Ipso-phyto introduction to uk herbs.

I am pleased to welcome Christopher Hope BSc medicinal
horticulturist back to Bristol,writer of 
A Foragers Guide To Finding and Using Wild plants
For Food or Medicine,and co-creator of Hedgerow News.

He will be coming to our event on Saturday 15th 
starting at 12.30. This will go on for around 3 hours.

It will be a workshop/ talk and short walk covering
some of the basics required to find, identify,
prepare and use our wild plants for food and medicine.

the law, sustainability issues/ harvesting
do's and dont's/ major plant famillies of interest
to foragers / plant identification techniques /
winter plants available / and more! 

He will be traveling from oxford so any donations
towards his travel would be grateful.

Find more about his published book and course
he runs at: http://ipsophto.com/index.html

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